Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Westbank Transfer 7, Week 2, December 30, 2013

So, this week has been a little ridiculous. To make a long story short, some complications came up with R, and for the near future, we aren't really going to be able to teach her. It's really sad, because if she had been open with us from the beginning, we probably could have avoided this whole situation. It's really sad to see what happens when you don't tell the whole truth, whether you mean to mislead or not. I honestly don't think she thought this would ever become a problem, but it has, so we are kinda stuck. It's really really sad.
But other than that, it has been a rather normal week. Except for Christmas. Christmas was definitely a little crazy. We spent most of the time running around seeing less actives and a few investigators and some members. It was fun, I ate a ton of food, and it really didn't feel much like Christmas. But it's okay. Christmas is just really really weird as a missionary.
N is doing really well. I think she is really trying this time, and she is starting to progress, which is good. She also came to the Filipino Christmas Party on Saturday, which was super good. I love Filipino food! They have amazing stuff. I could eat it forever, and it's a good thing that I don't have much opportunity to, because I would gain so much weight. And they usually don't write down recipes. But luckily for us, they love to feed us. I'll just have to figure out the recipes some other day. The party was also a wonderful missionary opportunity. There were quite a few non-members/less-actives who showed up. The ward, especially Brother C is trying to provide a lot more activities that they can use as missionary opportunities. It is really great, and I am so glad that the ward is getting more involved.
2014 is going to be a great year. We, as a mission, have set a goal for 2014 baptisms in 2014. We can totally do it too! It is going to be crazy!
Love you!
Sister Peterson

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