Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Qualicum Beach, Transfer 11, Week 6, July 21, 2014

And here we go again... Transfer calls tonight! I honestly have no idea what to expect. Sister Gibb is going home in the middle of next transfer, so we have a billion and one options running around that could happen. One of us transferred, no one transferred, becoming a tri, closing the area for the last two weeks of next transfer, getting a new companion for the last two weeks of next transfer... or any combination of those possibilities! It's so exciting and just really anxious. I just want to know. I don't care what happens (I probably actually do...) I just want to know!
But it was an amazing week. So much fun. We spent a ton of time tracting, but I love it! There really isn't anything better than getting out and talking to people about the gospel, even if they don't want to hear you! I think in this last week, we have spent anywhere from 2-9 hours tracting. It's bizarre, but that is really the thing that lifts my spirits. You honestly see so many miracles tracting, and sometimes you see things that are simply hilarious. Having a bad day? Just go talk to people and bear your testimony. You would be absolutely amazed at the difference that it makes in your whole outlook on the day!
Also, E is doing just great. Sister S is such a good friend! She came to church yesterday, and although she wasn't able to stay for all three hours because she was in a lot of pain, she really enjoyed the first two hours. I was a little worried about gospel principles, because the subject was something that was a little sensitive, but she was great. I just love her so much, and you can really see the difference that this is making for her. The gospel is just so true!!!
Also, we had a zone meeting this last week, and we decided to try something new. Both the zone leaders and our companionship really felt that the zone needed more companionship unity and help following the Spirit, so that was what we were training on. Usually one companionship will train on one part, and the other will take the second half. But in the spirit of more unity (which is one of President Burt's big areas of emphasis), we decided to have all four of us train together. It was fantastic!! The Spirit was so strong and I learned so much! Honestly, one of the most powerful meetings I have ever been in! I can't wait to do it again! This emphasis on unity is truly inspired, and I am so grateful to serve with both President Tilleman and President Burt, so that I can learn exactly what I need to learn!!!
I love you all! Have a great week!!
Sister Peterson

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