Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Qualicum Beach, Transfer 10, Week 2, May 12, 2014

This week had been crazy! Qualicum Beach is so different from any other area I have been in my whole mission! But it is so pretty and I just love it. Everything is super green and there are so many trees and bright colored flowers. It is awesome. But sometimes, when we are finding a little closer to the ocean, I can smell the salt water, and it throws me off a little bit. But it is great. :)
We spent a lot of our week finding and following up with former investigators that the elders found. They have some really solid people in the formers. Some of them have turned out to not be truth seeking, but some of them are super solid. One of them came to church yesterday and he said he "just wants to be a brother." he's an older man, and except for his word of wisdom issues, he is a member in everything. He thinks like a member, acts like one, everything. Apparently if he is at church on a Fast Sunday, he will even go up and bear his testimony! He's such a cute old man. And he wants to stop smoking, so we are going to work on that. It's just perfect. Obviously, that sort of thing usually isn't an overnight change and it takes a whole ton of work, but it can be done with the Lord's help. God is more powerful than any addiction, and He can help us overcome anything, as long as we are willing to let Him help us.
We also got to do an exchange with Courtenay and North Island Sisters this week. It was really cool, because Sister Carroll (my trainer) started in North Island, and she absolutely loves it there. That was all she ever talked about. So being able to go and see the place and do some missionary work there was super cool. Sister Shelley and I went out to Port Hardy, one of the towns that North Island covers, and we had a super cool experience. It was raining quite a bit, and we were just walking around. It was still Sister Shelley's first week in North Island, so she doesn't quite no everywhere yet. Anyway, we parked in the shopping center at Port Hardy, and decided to walk to where we were going to tract, so that we could talk to more people. Well, we took a wrong turn, and by the time we realized it, we were on the opposite side of town from where we had originally planned to go finding. So we just decided to find somewhere over there. There was a man walking down one of the side streets, so we went to try and talk to him, but he wasn't interested. But because we went and talked to him, we saw a woman working in her garden. So we went and offered to help her. This is where it gets really cool. She looked up and saw us, and said yes! She was so excited that we offered to help her! So we got down in the mud and started helping her pull weeds and haul branches. It was definitely a little difficult, because my shoes got super slippery with all the rain and mud, but so worth it. Apparently, she had been working in her garden earlier, but had gone inside to dry off. While she was up in her room, she said that God told her that she needed to go back outside and start working again. She hadn't been outside for more than two minutes when we walked by! While we were working, we started talking about church, and God, and the Bible, and then Sister Shelley asked if she had ever read the Book of Mormon. Turns out she had dated a member a long time ago, and she had read a little of the Book of Mormon then, but nothing came of it. But about a week ago, she had been in a thrift shop and they had a copy of the Book of Mormon for sale. She had looked at it, and felt like God wanted her to buy it but she hadn't, and then when we brought the Book of Mormon up, she said it was a sign from God and that she was going to go back to that store and buy the book. So we gave her a free one instead. :) Super cool. She is so solid, and I know that was definitely a miracle and a tender mercy from Heavenly Father.
Missions are just the best thing ever. I love being able to be a missionary so much. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. There is just so much you learn and so much you can do to help others that you would never be able to do anywhere else. It is just amazing.
I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Peterson

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