Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kamloops Transfer 5, Week 3 Oct 21, 2013

So, N is definitely getting baptized this Saturday! I am so excited for him. He is completely and totally ready. The only reason he wasn't baptized this weekend was because we couldn't hit in all the lessons and a baptismal interview before Saturday! And there was a YSA conference in Vancouver, and we figured that A should be there, since she was the one who got him to come to church. Funny how that works. We only met him two weeks ago. He started coming to church about a month ago. It's crazy how fast things can move. I still can't believe that God trusts me enough to let me teach his children who are so prepared! First U, now N. I have seen so many miracles out here, and it is amazing! And the miracles keep pouring in. We currently have 4 baptismal dates and hopefully more coming. And N is already starting to do missionary work. One thing that I have noticed with those who are these miracle baptisms is that they truly desire to help others have the same experiences they have had. It makes for more amazing miracles. It isn't inconceivable to see how we can realize the promise we are given Alma 26:22! We can each bring thousands of souls to God!
So, what are you each going to do help move the work forward? You should study Elder Benson's talk. He, along with the rest of the Brethren and the Lord, has asked us to each reach out to one person between now and Christmas. It is possible! You can each find your own U and your own N to help. They don't even have to be far away! It can be a less active. It can be a member who is struggling in any way. But please do it! There is so much happiness and so many blessings from missionary work! It is the greatest thing that you can ever do!
Love you all!
Sister Peterson
"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." 3 Nephi 5:13

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