Monday, August 5, 2013

July 29, 2013

L was baptized last night! I've attached the pictures, but I realized a few minutes ago, that I forgot to take the date stamp off. Luckily it's not covering up anything important. I guess I'll never forget the date. For more reasons than just one. :) Her baptismal service was absolutely amazing. She asked me to sing The Lord is My Shepard, and I was really kinda nervous, because I wasn't sure how well I would be able to hit the high notes, but it ended up working out well. The elders also had an investigator baptized last night, A, and so it was extra special. Two baptisms this week and two confirmations next week! L was so prepared for this and she is so happy. It was such a spiritual experience.
The Surrey 1st ward has also started something special in the last few weeks. Every Sunday, right after church, the missionaries, ward missionaries, ward leaders, and any members who want to, gather in the kitchen, have a quick lunch, and then divide up into groups of 2-4 people and go out and visit as many less actives and recent converts who weren't in church as we possibly can. This has already seen some success. One of the members who was visited last week actually came to church this week and came out with us afterwards. The elders last week were able to have a wonderful experience with one of the members and give them a blessing to help with some issues they have been dealing with. Yesterday, we were able to teach a woman who was baptized just over a year ago who has been struggling quite a bit lately, and by the end of the lesson, she was fully committed to reading the Book of Mormon everyday. As we were leaving she said that she would try to, but then she corrected herself and said she would, no matter what, and then she repeated it several times. Missionary work is never over. She may have been baptized, but she still needs help. And her fiancee is expressing interest in the church. It never ends, it just keeps on giving.
M is still struggling. We have taught her, as simply as we possibly can, everything that we can and everything that the Spirit leads us to, and it is up to her now. If she can't keep her quit date for this Wednesday, we are going to have to place her in a reflecting pool. Every time we go to teach her, we start with our lesson plan, but the Spirit leads us back to how much her Heavenly Father loves her and how she needs to give up smoking now. But I don't think she is really listening. It's up to her to exercise her agency and make the right choice, but I don't think she is. She kept telling us on Saturday that she wasn't ready to quit yet, and I don't think anything is going to change dramatically enough between now and Wednesday to make her ready. But I don't know that. There may be a miracle. I desperately hope so. She needs this so badly.
This has been so hard, but so good. And yesterday was just the thing I needed after an exhausting and long week. We have three appointments for tonight, and hopefully all of them will go through. If they do, we should have at least two new investigators, on a Monday night. That would be a wonderful miracle.
Love you all!
Sister Peterson

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