Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

Anyway, things are going a little crazy here. Saturday was my 4 month mark from entering the MTC. Crazy isn't it, how fast everything goes! Everything moves so fast. I feel like I am already running out of time, which is scary. Every day and every week seems to move so fast!

M is done. She is just not doing anything, she isn't willing to work for anything, nothing. She told us last time that she doesn't care that her smoking controls her, and she doesn't want to control herself. It breaks my heart. She is struggling so badly right now. She is getting evicted tomorrow, and 5 of her 6 kittens have died in the last three days. She just won't do it, so we are waiting for her to contact us, and we will move on from there.

L, on the other hand, is doing amazing! She was confirmed yesterday, and she is already doing missionary work. She came to two lessons with us last night, and she also told us after church that she has someone she wants us to teach. So we are going to her apartment on Tuesday afternoon and we are going to teach this woman she met on the street! She totally gets the idea of member missionary work! I don't know how I got so lucky as to be able to teach her and work with her. Her sister, Sister M, also came with us to the two lessons, and she is thinking about going on a mission! So cool! I am so excited to be able to see this family progress in the gospel. Sister M has been the only member for 12 years, and now she has her sister, and they are working on the rest of their family. They just get it.

I got to go on exchanges with Sister Cho and Sister Lee in Burnaby YSA this week. Driving in Burnaby is scary! The roads are super narrow, the turns are sharp, and the drivers are crazy. If I never have to do that again, I will be grateful. I was driving their car, and it has such a wide turning radius! I'm just grateful nothing happened. We found a new investigator for them! Her name is B, which means smile in Egyptian! Her name definitely fit. She was so happy. We also found a potential for the Burnaby family ward. She was so excited about the idea that she could have a personal relationship with God, and when we gave her a Book of Mormon, she held it like it was so precious. The missionaries who get to teach her are going to be so lucky.

Heavenly Father has really poured out his tender mercies on us this week. We found 4 new investigators, which is the most I have ever found in one week. On Saturday night, some of the Filipino ward members were having a BBQ, which they invited us to. Unfortunately, it was during finding time, and there wasn't going to be anyone there for us to teach, so we decided to go tracting instead, which was kinda sad. Anyway, we were knocking on doors, and one woman opened the door, and we started talking about having questions answered, and she mentioned that she had several questions that she really hadn't ever figured out, like where are we from, why are we here, and what happens after death. Funny questions to ask missionaries! Anyway, we had a great discussion about answering those questions, and we got an appointment to come back this next weekend. So we kept knocking doors. After a few more doors, we got a call from one of the members, who was at the BBQ, who said she had some friends for us to come meet, who wanted to learn more! So not only did we end up getting to go to the BBQ and to meet and teach some nonmembers there, we found a new investigator! Not to mention the Filipino food they fed us. It is so good. We are spoiled with all of our wonderful members. We really are blessed as we are obedient. It's so cool!

Love you all,
Sister Peterson

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