Monday, September 23, 2013

September 16, 2013

This week, like all others, has been hectic and crazy. Lots of finding, not a lot of results. But there have been some, so things are getting a little better. It's very interesting. We are seeing a lot of really cool miracles, and I have had the opportunity to be involved in quite a few, but they aren't for Sister Foley and I. We just happen to be a little part passing them along.
For instance, yesterday. A few minutes after sacrament meeting started, our elders quorum president, Brother B, came over and pointed out a woman and her two kids who are not members who had just come in, because they wanted to see what our services are like. So, after sacrament, we went over and introduced ourselves. Her name is G, and she is from Romania. She has never met the missionaries before, and her only contact with the church is nothing short of a miracle. It's a bit of a long story, that starts a while ago, so hang in there. So, a while ago, the Kelowna YSA sisters were teaching this young man named M. He has had a lot of trouble, and he has smoked weed for the longest time. But through a series of miracles, M was able to get clean and be baptized. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. M works as a server at a restaurant in Kelowna, that G and her kids are eating at, and he is their server. She overhears him talking to a friend about the church, and what we believe, and our values. G told us that she absolutely loved what she overheard him saying, so she asked M about the church. He told her about it, and told her that there was a ward (acutally two!) in Kamloops that she should visit when she got home. So she did. Yesterday, she called a cab and paid $20 to come to church, without knowing anyone or anything else about us, beyond what M had told her. And she wants to be baptized. It's crazy! She lives in the 1st ward boundaries, so either the senior couple (who work with that ward and just got here on Thursday) or the other sisters will teach her. They'll have to work that out. But she is absolutely amazing! Usually we have to work really hard to get people to come to church, even when they are actively investigating, and she came and asked about baptism, before we said anything! The actual question was "So do you do baptisms here?" What a question to ask missionaries!
The Lord loves us! That was such a pick-me-up, and I really desperately needed it. Even though I won't get to teach her, having G in church really made all the difference. It would have been 4 weeks without an investigator in church without her, and I was so tired. But having G there really re-energized me. The Lord knew that I needed something small, and so He allowed me to be part of that miracle, and I am so grateful! Is it still hard? Yes. Do I still have trouble keeping up my spirits sometimes? Definitely. But have I had a day yet in Kamloops where I haven't had something good happen, even if it was just having a member glad to see us? No, every single day, the Lord has given us something. I have just have to look for it. There are so many things to be grateful for!
Sister Peterson

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