Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 1, 2013

The fireside went so well. Three of our investigators showed up and they had the chance to meet President Tilleman. They all felt to Spirit so strongly and it was absolutely wonderful! I am so excited for the progress that they are making! We actually set a baptismal date with M. She said she will be completely done smoking by the 14th, and she committed to be baptized on August 4th, exactly 3 weeks later. This is really going to work this time. She really will do it this time. I know it.

The T's have dropped off the map a little. Brother T. had to go to Calgary for business, but because of the flooding, he didn't know when he was going. So he has now gone and is back, and hopefully we will be able to meet with them this week.
I know that finding so many people is still useful and wonderful work, but sometimes it is just exhausting. You get so much energy from talking to someone and then to realize that you won't be involved is a little draining. But I met one of the guys we passed to the elders yesterday at church. He is really solid and I am glad that he is progressing.
I actually had to give a talk yesterday. The topic was whatever I chose, and I ended up changing at least three times, before I wrote an outline Sunday morning. I focused on Alma 5:26, and how we can "feel so now" if we don't currently and how we have to share that feeling with others, even those who are strong in the church. Apparently I said some really profound things and helped a lot of people. I actually talked for about 25 minutes, which I have never done before. One of the members actually posted a quote from it on facebook and her friends from all around the world have been sharing it. I kind of want to get the quote from her, because I don't remember what it was. It's a little intimidating, but this is the exact kind of thing that the broadcast was talking about. Missionary work on facebook and other social media. It's wonderful to see how our members are so involved in sharing their testimonies with others in simple ways.
Sorry it's a little shorter this week, I am super tired. Definitely going to try for a nap at the end of P-day today.
Love you all,
Sister Peterson

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