Monday, June 24, 2013

June 17, 2013

It's been a very interesting and exhausting week. I don't know why I have been so tired lately. I just don't seem to have much energy, which is no good, because I need to walk everywhere!
 We taught M  twice this week and she is doing a little better. The first lesson this week, we invited her to be baptized and she said yes, but when we invited her to set a date, she said that she wouldn't because she smokes. But she is willing to let us help her stop smoking, which she hasn't been willing to let missionaries help her with before, so there is progress there. When we met with her the second time, she had cut back from 10-15 cigarettes to 8 cigarettes a day. It is wonderful progress, but she is trying to do it all on her own willpower, which isn't going to work. She isn't doing anything different when she gets a craving except trying to ignore it. She needs to be more diligent in her scripture reading and praying. The problem is that she doesn't exactly believe in God. She wants to believe in a lot of things, but she isn't willing to act on something to get that belief. It's a little frustrating.
We also saw R again on Saturday. That has to have been one of the most crazy lessons I have been in. Not that I have been in a lot, but still. We have slowly been reviewing the Restoration with her, and we talked to her about the Book of Mormon.
We've started passing out the invitation/pass along cards for the fireside at the end of the month. We have had some really cool experiences with that. On Thursday, we got a call from a guy named J. Someone had given him one of the cards on the Skytrain and he wants to learn more about how Christ can help him in his life. We haven't been able to get a hold of him since then, but he does want to meet. And people are more willing to take this card then a normal pass along card. Hopefully, this fireside will be a success.
We also got a HQ referral this morning. Apparently a woman in this area was looking at and has requested missionary visits and she put down her number and address. So we are going to be following up with that this week. Hopefully she will be a really solid investigator. We definitely need some of those right now. Everyone seems to be flaking out lately, which is rather discouraging. I have a really cool foot tan though. I'll send you a picture of it soon, when it has a chance to darken a little more.
Love you,
Sister Peterson

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